Thursday, August 14, 2008

Loaf in Uganda

I'm still loafing in Uganda.

My brother has the grandest house that anyone in our family has ever had before. Plus it's got running water. Also Linda is an amazing cook. I've basically been mooching like crazy...

Uganda _is_ nice. Most of the country is very very wet and green. Shops are open late. There is street food. All of those are good points in my book.

My parents were here for a couple weeks. Then they left. Then Linda and my baby nephew left. Then Jason left with the twins. It's been lonely for two days but a friend from Sudan is supposed to be arriving soon.

That's the news.


Nathan said...

You've got to fight...
...for your right... eat ugaaaaaaaaaali!

Kenton Williston said...

don't loaf too long or you'll lose your biking skills! :)